Resolutions and Reflections

Sitting here today in front of the Christmas tree, enjoying some quiet time, I am thinking about the year that's about to be referred to in past tense.

In reflecting back over the year 2016, it wasn't the best of years here at the farm, but we made it through and isn't that what counts after all?  The farm was delivered a few hard blows where the weather was concerned, but we managed to make it through with only a smattering of problems on that front.  My unexpected surgery threw us all a curve but that too is resolving itself due to the passage of time.

We are looking forward to the New Year with optimism and high hopes for good harvests, family blessings for ourselves and the members of our CSA community.

We have also resolved to take better care of ourselves in 2017, which means that we try to become more aware of what our bodies need to keep us healthy, productive and feeling energetic. Good health is one of the greatest gifts that anyone can have, and it's one that no amount of money can buy.

We do plenty of walking around the farm, so most times, exercise is not an issue for us.  In the spring though when CSA harvests and deliveries begin, we get so busy around here that in the interest of time, we neglect to include fresh greens in our diets. We have noticed that we just feel better when fresh greens are a regular part of our diet. So, this year our New Years resolution revolves around something we will put into practice come springtime.  When the early greens are ready to harvest we are resolving to "eat more greens".

Have you made a New Year's resolution yet?  It's early, so there's still time to make a resolution that's easy to keep, just like ours!

Happy New Year to everyone!


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